
Handles creating new nodes based on DOM templates. Does some substitution based on specific class names.

  • /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
     * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
     * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
    define(["jquery", "util", "peers", "windowing", "session"], function ($, util, peers, windowing, session) {
      var assert = util.assert;
      var templating = util.Module("templating");
      templating.clone = function (templateId) {
        templateId = "#togetherjs-template-" + templateId;
        var template = $(templateId);
        assert(template.length, "No template found with id:", templateId);
        template = template.clone();
        template.attr("id", null);
  • FIXME: if called directly, doesn't emit new-element event:

        return template;
      templating.sub = function (templateId, variables) {
        var template = templating.clone(templateId);
        variables = variables || {};
        util.forEachAttr(variables, function (value, attr) {
  • FIXME: do the substitution... somehow?

          var subs = template.find(".togetherjs-sub-" + attr).removeClass("togetherjs-sub-" + attr);
          if (subs.length) {
            if (typeof value == "string") {
            } else if (value instanceof $) {
            } else {
              assert(false, "Unknown variable value type:", attr, "=", value);
          var ifs = template.find(".togetherjs-if-" + attr).removeClass("togetherjs-sub-" + attr);
          if (! value) {
          ifs = template.find(".togetherjs-ifnot-" + attr).removeClass("togetherjs-ifnot-" + attr);
          if (value) {
          var attrName = "data-togetherjs-subattr-" + attr;
          var attrs = template.find("[" + attrName + "]");
          attrs.each(function (index, element) {
            assert(typeof value == "string");
            element = $(element);
            var subAttribute = element.attr(attrName);
            element.attr(attrName, null);
            element.attr(subAttribute, value);
        if (variables.peer) {
        if (variables.date) {
          var date = variables.date;
          if (typeof date == "number") {
            date = new Date(date);
          var ampm = "AM";
          var hour = date.getHours();
          if (hour > 12) {
            hour -= 12;
            ampm = "PM";
          var minute = date.getMinutes();
          var t = hour + ":";
          if (minute < 10) {
            t += "0";
          t += minute;
  • FIXME: silly this is on session:

        session.emit("new-element", template);
        return template;
      return templating;