/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
define(["jquery"], function ($) {
Some plugins for jQuery; doesn't export anything, just patches $
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
define(["jquery"], function ($) {
This isn't really a "module" since it just patches jQuery itself
FIX ME Animations TO DO walkthrough animations go here animate participant cursor and box popping in when they enter the session animate participant cursor and box popping out when they leave the session animate the participant cursor -> rotate down when they're down the page
$.fn.rotateCursorDown = function () {
$('svg').animate({borderSpacing: -150, opacity: 1}, {
step: function(now, fx) {
if (fx.prop == "borderSpacing") {
$(this).css('-webkit-transform', 'rotate('+now+'deg)')
.css('-moz-transform', 'rotate('+now+'deg)')
.css('-ms-transform', 'rotate('+now+'deg)')
.css('-o-transform', 'rotate('+now+'deg)')
.css('transform', 'rotate('+now+'deg)');
} else {
$(this).css(fx.prop, now);
duration: 500
}, 'linear').promise().then(function () {
this.css('-webkit-transform', '');
this.css('-moz-transform', '');
this.css('-ms-transform', '');
this.css('-o-transform', '');
this.css('transform', '');
this.css("opacity", "");
animate the participant cursor -> rotate up when they're on the same frame as the user
$.fn.rotateCursorDown = function () {
$('.togetherjs-cursor svg').animate({borderSpacing: 0, opacity: 1}, {
step: function(now, fx) {
if (fx.prop == "borderSpacing") {
$(this).css('-webkit-transform', 'rotate('+now+'deg)')
.css('-moz-transform', 'rotate('+now+'deg)')
.css('-ms-transform', 'rotate('+now+'deg)')
.css('-o-transform', 'rotate('+now+'deg)')
.css('transform', 'rotate('+now+'deg)');
} else {
$(this).css(fx.prop, now);
duration: 500
}, 'linear').promise().then(function () {
this.css('-webkit-transform', '');
this.css('-moz-transform', '');
this.css('-ms-transform', '');
this.css('-o-transform', '');
this.css('transform', '');
this.css("opacity", "");
Move notification when another notification slides in //
/* Pop in window from dock button: */
$.fn.popinWindow = function () {
mobile popout window with no animation
if($.browser.mobile) {
starting position
left: "0px",
opacity: 1,
"zIndex": 8888
starting position for arrow
left: "+=74px",
opacity: 1,
"zIndex": 8888
animate arrow out
opacity: 1,
left: "-=78px"
}, {
duration:60, easing:"linear"
bounce arrow back
}, {
duration:60, easing:"linear"
animate window out
opacity: 1,
left: "0px"
}, {
duration:60, easing:"linear"
bounce window back
}, {
duration:60, easing:"linear"
else {
starting position
left: "+=74px",
opacity: 1,
"zIndex": 8888
starting position for arrow
left: "+=74px",
opacity: 1,
"zIndex": 8888
animate arrow out
opacity: 1,
left: "-=78px"
}, {
duration:60, easing:"linear"
bounce arrow back
}, {
duration:60, easing:"linear"
animate window out
opacity: 1,
left: "-=78px"
}, {
duration:60, easing:"linear"
bounce window back
}, {
duration:60, easing:"linear"
/* Slide in notification window: */
$.fn.slideIn = function () {
top: "240px",
left: "+=74px",
opacity: 0,
"zIndex": 8888
return this.animate({
"left": "-=74px",
opacity: 1,
"zIndex": 9999
}, "fast");
/* Used to fade away notification windows + flip the bottom of them out: */
$.fn.fadeOut = function () {
this.animate({borderSpacing: -90, opacity: 0.5}, {
step: function(now, fx) {
if (fx.prop == "borderSpacing") {
$(this).css('-webkit-transform', 'perspective( 600px ) rotateX('+now+'deg)')
.css('-moz-transform', 'perspective( 600px ) rotateX('+now+'deg)')
.css('-ms-transform', 'perspective( 600px ) rotateX('+now+'deg)')
.css('-o-transform', 'perspective( 600px ) rotateX('+now+'deg)')
.css('transform', 'perspective( 600px ) rotateX('+now+'deg)');
} else {
$(this).css(fx.prop, now);
duration: 500
}, 'linear').promise().then(function () {
this.css('-webkit-transform', '');
this.css('-moz-transform', '');
this.css('-ms-transform', '');
this.css('-o-transform', '');
this.css('transform', '');
this.css("opacity", "");
return this;
/* used when user goes down to participant cursor location on screen */
$.fn.easeTo = function (y) {
return this.animate({
scrollTop: y
}, {
duration: 400,
easing: "swing"
avatar animate in
$.fn.animateDockEntry = function () {
var height = this.height();
var width = this.width();
var backgroundSize = height + 4;
var margin = parseInt(this.css("marginLeft"), 10);
set starting position CSS for avatar
marginLeft: margin + width/2,
height: 0,
width: 0,
backgroundSize: "0 0"
var self = this;
then animate avatar to the actual dimensions, and reset the values
marginLeft: margin,
height: height,
width: width,
backgroundSize: backgroundSize
}, {
duration: 600
}).promise().then(function () {
marginLeft: "",
height: "",
width: "",
backgroundSize: ""
return this;
avatar animate out, reverse of above
$.fn.animateDockExit = function () {
get the current avatar dimenensions
var height = this.height();
var width = this.width();
var backgroundSize = height + 4;
var margin = parseInt(this.css("marginLeft"), 10);
then animate avatar to shrink to nothing, and reset the values again FIXME this needs to animate from the CENTER
marginLeft: margin + width/2,
height: 0,
width: 0,
backgroundSize: "0 0",
opacity: 0
}, 600 );
return this;
$.fn.animateCursorEntry = function () {
Make the cursor bubble pop in
keyboard typing animation
$.fn.animateKeyboard = function () {
var one = this.find(".togetherjs-typing-ellipse-one");
var two = this.find(".togetherjs-typing-ellipse-two");
var three = this.find(".togetherjs-typing-ellipse-three");
var count = -1;
var run = (function () {
count = (count+1) % 4;
if (count === 0) {
one.css("opacity", 0.5);
two.css("opacity", 0.5);
three.css("opacity", 0.5);
} else if (count == 1) {
one.css("opacity", 1);
} else if (count == 2) {
two.css("opacity", 1);
} else { // count==3
three.css("opacity", 1);
var interval = setInterval(run, 300);
this.data("animateKeyboard", interval);
$.fn.stopKeyboardAnimation = function () {
this.data("animateKeyboard", null);
FIXME: not sure if this is legit, but at least the modern mobile devices we care about should have this defined:
if (! $.browser) {
$.browser = {};
$.browser.mobile = window.orientation !== undefined;
if (navigator.userAgent.search(/mobile/i) != -1) {
FIXME: At least on the Firefox OS simulator I need this
$.browser.mobile = true;
if ($.browser.mobile && window.matchMedia && ! window.matchMedia("screen and (max-screen-width: 480px)").matches) {
FIXME: for Firefox OS simulator really:
document.body.className += " togetherjs-mobile-browser";